The making of a participatory video
Generally the process of making a participatory video contains these principal steps:

Identification and selection of participants
This step consists of selecting the participants of the project: beneficiaries, the community and organizations.
Training of the participants
The trainers or facilitators must conduct a quick technical training with the selected participants before allowing them to use the equipments.
Preparing the video
Choosing a theme, the goals and the audience of the video. Elaborate a story-board based on the different interviews, exchanges and the brainstorming that led to the identification of the indicators or most important and significant messages retained by the beneficiaries and other parties involved in the project/Program.

Recording of the Video
Proceed to interviews and video recordings with the different parties or communities. Once the structure and tones have been set, put the different footage in chain. Since video is a visual tool, there is a need to show the things and not only talk about them with practical examples. The language should not be too abstract. The messages need to be short and direct.
Editing the Video
All the recordings must be edited. Like the recording, participants must be included in the editing team to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the video (the tone, the substance of the message, the music…).
Local Projection
Before a large public projection or a targeted used of the video with decision makers, partners or other community, it is imperative to show the video to the people in the community where the film were made. This local projection must be followed with discussion and exchanges to amend or improve some parts of the films.

Strategic integrated projection, visualization, and broadcasting of the participatory video.
This strategic broadcasting is useful in valorizing and sharing experiences, sharing information on issues that affect the community, and also awakening the conscience of the people to make changes. As a way of communication and information, the participatory video can be used to sensitize the population, to support negotiations and fundraisings with diverse targeted audience (political, religious and traditional decision makers, financial and technical partners, civil society, communities…), either to become visible or share a local experience or project evaluation results with other communities and all interested parties by engaging through brainstorming and actions.