Our experience and works in participatory videos.
In 2009
Facilitation in 2009 of a participatory video process and “ farmsled documentation” to capitalize and share experience and farmers innovation with the association of the farmers of the village of Dapelgo in Burkina Faso with the support of the NGO Diobass Ecology and Society.
In 2010 August
Facilitation de processus d’évaluation de projets de sport par Vidéo Participative au Burkina Faso, successivement en août 2010 et de septembre à octobre 2011. Le processus a concerné à la fois les régions du centre (Ouagadougou), du Nord (Ouahigouya), du Centre-Est (Tenkodogo) et des Hauts-Bassins (Bobo-Dioulasso). L’objectif était d’accompagner l’INJEPS et les bénéficiaires du projet « sport et développement » financé par la NSA (Nederland Sport Atlantie) dans la mise en œuvre d’un processus de Vidéo Participative en vue de l’évaluation du projet « sport et développement » au niveau local. .
In 2012
Participatory video with the actors and people involved in sesame and Shea sector to diagnostic and identify the obstacles and challenges found in this sector with the goal of preparing and multi-actors workshops. During this workshop, the debates were based on the video produce by uneducated Shea butter and sesame producers. This participatory video was made in 2012 in Leo with the Nunuma cooperative with the support of the NGO ICCO (Hollande).
In 2013
Experimentation in 2013 of a Participatory Video process as an internal communication tool in a German company. The goal was to make a diagnosis and to identify internal problems to develop a corporate culture project.
In march 2014
In march 2014, facilitation of an Evaluation with the participatory video of two (2) OXFAM Novib Mali programs and their partners. The first program was on education and the second program was on sexual and reproductive health.
Many conferences and workshops on the role of participatory video in the different cycles of project management and development programs.